Children’s Faith Formation

Faith formation for our children and youth should be a joyful and dynamic experience. Holy Spirit Parish provides engaging, creative gatherings and Catechesis to help families celebrate and grow in faith.  

Religious Education Classes (K-8th Grade)

The parish CFF (Children’s Faith Formation) program will meet on Monday nights from 6:00 – 7:15 PM.  We are excited about this blessed opportunity to gather and grow in faith.  We will have Family Nights on first Mondays, followed by age-specific catechesis for the remaining Mondays of the month.

Click Here for registration and payment.

For questions or more information about the program, please contact:

Jorge Mendoza, CFF Coordinator
Telephone:  (916) 443-5442 Ext. 104

First Holy Eucharist and First Reconciliation Preparation

Children preparing for sacramental reception must be enrolled and active participants in our parish program or school. The first step in such preparation is the active participation of the child’s family in the worship and community of Holy Spirit Parish. Preparation of children for First Holy Eucharist and First Reconciliation typically begins in first, and celebrated in the second grade. There is an additional fee for those children who are receiving sacraments to cover the costs of sacramental preparation supplies and retreats!

Confirmation Preparation Requirements

Our preparation for Confirmation is a two year process. Year One is for 7th Graders and Year Two is for 8th Graders. In addition to their regular classes at school or at CFF, students and their parents participate in a retreat, the diocesan confirmation rally “Fired Up!”, and complete service & solidarity initiatives that serve the needs of the human family. These are essential components to the Confirmation preparation. 

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

All parish children between the ages of 5 and 9 are encouraged to take part in Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Children hear the scriptures and reflect on their meaning on a level appropriate for their age and understanding. Dismissed from the Mass after the opening prayer, the children return to join their families after the General Intercessions. No registration is necessary.