The Christian initiation of adults begins with their entry into the catechumenate the second period of the order of Christian initiation of adults which involves intense preparation in word, worship, community life, and apostolic works, and reaches its culmination in a single celebration of the three sacraments of initiation during the Easter Vigil. To support the journey of the person seeking Baptism, the Church has established the Order of Christian Initiation known to most as the RCIA. This process is a formation in the whole Christian life. Through a 12-18 month process a person seeking Baptism is accompanied by a sponsor as he/she explores the basic truths of the Catholic faith, practices living the life of faith and renounces those practices or attitudes which lead away from goodness. Those desiring to explore becoming members of the Church are welcomed into this process.

Persons baptized in other Christian traditions who now desire to become Catholics are also welcomed to participate in the RCIA. After participating in the process, such candidates make their profession of faith at the Easter Vigil or at an early time, if appropriate.


The RCIA sessions begin each July. If you have a friend or family member who is interested in becoming Catholic, please invite them to join us. Also invited are members of our parish who are baptized but not confirmed. This is an opportunity for you to deepen your faith and complete your initiation in Christ. The RCIA is a time of exploration and study. The first phase of the process is called inquiry. In our parish this is usually from July through the first Sunday of Advent but those who are uncertain about becoming Catholic are invited to stay in the inquiry process as long as they desire it. 

Period of Catechumenate

This is an extended period of time in which catechumens are given formal instruction in the Christian way of life and the doctrines of the Catholic Church. They also begin to learn about Catholic worship.  This period focuses on the Sunday Gospel readings, the catechumens learn how to live out the teaching of Christ. They are encouraged to participate in the life of the parish both spiritually and socially.

Rite of Election 

The Rite of Election coincides with the beginning of Lent and is celebrated with the Bishop at the cathedral. The Rite of Sending is normally celebrated at the local parish before the Rite of Election. Godparents and catechists testify as to the readiness of the catechumens for the sacraments of initiation.  At this point the catechumens are now called the “elect.”

Period of Purification and Enlightenment  

This is a period of more intense spiritual preparation and takes place during the six weeks of Lent. It is a time characterized more by prayerful reflection rather than formal instruction, although some instruction still takes place. This period is intended to enlighten the minds and hearts of the elect with a deeper knowledge of Christ.  Rites belonging to this period include the scrutinies (rights of purification), the presentations of the Creed and Lord’s Prayer.

The Sacraments of Initiation

The moment we’ve all been waiting for!  Initiation takes place at the Easter Vigil on Saturday night before Easter Sunday. The sacraments of baptism, holy eucharist, confirmation will be received, thus you will be fully initiated into the Catholic Church.

Period of Mystogogy

This is a period in which the newly initiated, together with the community, deepen their understanding of the sacramental life and works of charity. Post baptismal catechesis is offered to the neophytes so that they may deepen their grasp of the paschal mystery, become a more committed member of the Church and a faithful witness of Christ to the world.

See Calendar for Dates and Times.